STUDY 2021 : Environmental
impact study comparing ARMIS’ digital solution to print ads

Per person exposed, ARMIS’ solution emits 45 less CO2 than a printed advertisement
ARMIS is conducting a study on the environmental impact of its digital solution in collaboration with the consulting firm Greenflex.
The study compares the environmental impact of the ARMIS digital solution to an equivalent paper campaign.
The parameters and indicators chosen, as well as the functional unit, are described and explained in this summary dossier.
To discover in this study:
- The results of our simplified LCA: the ARMIS digital campaign has 45 times less impact on climate change than an equivalent campaign via a paper flyer.
- The French are becoming more aware of the environment: from the Citizen’s Climate Convention to changing consumption patterns, 42% of the French put the climate emergency at the top of their list of concerns.
- Market trends in favor of digital, with companies exploring new modes of communication to stay close to their consumers and meet their expectations by reducing the distribution of their national paper catalogues and making them digital.